listening for the right “it”
before we build it right


Design signifies intent. What are your intentions?


  • Increased mobile visitors by 75% for the Accounts & Trade experience via a responsive redesign. My CSS-based solution unblocked the data-dense Positions grid allowing the project to ship on schedule.
  • “Responsified” resulting in a $500,000/day increase in mobile revenue per arrival for a normally $1 million/day site.
  • Initiated, researched, and built a mobile device testing suite to support responsive web design testing.
  • Created a “Lunch & Learn” series inviting coworkers to present passion projects before their peers over a catered lunch.
  • Over 30 years of design, research, and front-end web development experience.
  • Public speaker on tech subjects, regular volunteer/mentor in the community, exhibiting artist, and performing independent musician.
My focus is on the 4 C’s:
Collaboration, Communication, Compromise, & Creativity.


Process is a fluid thing, dependent upon the people involved, the resources available, and the goals. Generally, my process will leverage these four stages:

  1. Understand: research, gather information, research, audit, research, clarify, research ツ
  2. Plan: strategize, coordinate, collaborate, ideate, schedule, review
  3. Design: brainstorm, sketch, craft, prototype, test, problem-solve
  4. Iterate: validate, obtain feedback, tweak, pivot, improve, document

Read about my process at Fidelity.